
Publications Committee Report 4/29/17

Report of the Publications Committee

We have had a first Skype meeting of the Publications Committee to start discussing the main tasks.

First of all, the basic idea is to have involved in this committee people with some kind of editorial responsibilities in journals publishing on emergy so to coordinate possible editorial initiatives in supporting of the emerge society.

We have enlarged the composition of the committee that, at present, results composed by:
- Pier Paolo Franzese (Chair) - representing Ecological Modelling (Elsevier)
- Cecilia Almeida - representing Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)
- Liu Gengyuan - representing JEAM (L&H)
- Paolo Vassallo - representing Energy, Ecology and Environment (Springer)

The first outcome of the meeting is that both Cecilia and myself committed to organize (as a standard procedure) a Special Issue of JCP and ECOMOD soon after each biennial emergy conference (of course, if this is wanted and appreciated by the organizers).

I am pretty sure that Gengyuan would be also glad to ensure a special issue of JEAM on the occasion of the emergy conference. By the way, JEAM has been indexed in Scopus. Liu Gengyuan writes that "As the senior Editor-in-Chief assistant of JEAM, I and my editorial team will provide high-quality and efficient services for fast publication (including research paper, review paper, research reports, perspective, etc.), papers promotion, special issues, co-organization of workshop, international course for the society and members".See http://lhscientificpublishing.com/Journals/JEAM-EditorialBoard.aspx

In this way, we would have three opportunities for publishing the papers presented at the emergy conference, clustering them into three main groups:

  1. papers with a deeper ecological and modelling content.
  2. papers dealing with accounting procedures and environmental management.
  3. papers focusing more on technologies, plants, and cleaner productions.

I personally believe that offering to the participants of the emergy conference the opportunity to publish their results within the frame of coordinated initiatives would be an important service offered by the society (especially for young members). In the past years, after the emergy conference we already have had two special issues of Ecomod which resulted in a nice collection of good quality emergy papers.

Of course, this does not exclude the possibility for everybody to present their works in any other context. And, of course, this does not mean that everybody (100% of participants) would get a paper published since papers will be anyway selected by topic/quality and subject to a peer review process according to the editorial policy of each journal.

So far, this is what we have discussed and planned in the first meeting. Hoping that this is well received, I send my best regards.

Pier Paolo, Chair

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