

Education and Research Clearinghouse

One of the Emergy Society’s functions is to promote education and other connections between its members and people interested in emergy research. To help accomplish this part of our mission, we are calling for teachers and researchers to send us (ISAER) information regarding their emergy and emergy-related courses for inclusion in a posting on our website. We are also calling for potential mentors and interested students to send their contact information to ISAER, if they are interested in participating in the education clearinghouse.

A list of the categories of items within the education clearinghouse along with the information needed to participate in one of these functions is given below:


I. Courses, Seminars, Conferences 

Please send us information on upcoming emergy courses (credit or non-credit) and emergy-related courses, seminars, or conferences that have been scheduled. The following information should be sent to admin@isaer.org.

  • Name of the course
  • Course leader/team
  • Scope/aim
  • Time /date
  • Level
  • Web-address for further information


II. The Clearinghouse

Potential students and teachers should send in their contact information and a list of their interests to participate in the clearinghouse. Each individual can decide whether they want their availability and contact information to be listed publically on the clearinghouse or to be held by ISAER in private. If listed publically on the clearinghouse, each individual is responsible for contacting a potential student or teacher with similar interests. If ISAER holds the information, in private, we will match potential teachers with students and then send an email suggesting that the two individuals contact one another for further discussions.


A. Students 

Many undergraduate and graduate exchange student opportunities provide the chance to access emergy-related coursework at other universities within a country or abroad. For more information, contact your International Office/Study Abroad Office at your home university. If you need a mentor/supervisor for the study of Energy Systems Theory and emergy methods please send you contact information to ISAER to be posted on the clearinghouse or to be matched in private with a mentor.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Subject/Title of your work/Aim of study/Level
  • Time period
  • Choice of public or private handling of your information


B. Professors/Researchers/Course leaders

 If you are interested in mentoring or supervising domestic or international students, please send your contact information and availability to ISAER and designate your information for posting on the clearinghouse webpage or to be held in private for matching with potential students according to your and their interest and availability.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Special interest area/subject
  • Suitable time period
  • Choice of public or private handling of your information


C. Professional Collaboration:

If you are a practicing emergy researcher and you are interested in international scientific research and collaboration (writing papers, research proposals, etc.) and didactic development (course development, educational program development/discussions, etc.), please send your contact information and interests to admin@isaer.org  and designate it for posting on the web site or to be held in private for matching with those of similar interests.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Special interest area/subject
  • Suitable time period
  • Choice of public or private handling of your information


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