Education Report 7/23/18

Report of the Education Committee (7/23/18)

Recent education initiatives include the two pre-conference workshops from the emergy conference. One for PWD and one for SCALEM. Both were very successful.

Reports of the results of the workshops were added to the website. You can read about them under the ‘Reports on Events’ tab.

Or directly from the Education Committee page.

A recent and very successful initiative was the Venice conference, the 3rd International School on Emergy Accounting. Francesco has sent me a report that I used to make a webpage post as another ‘Reports on Events’. His report will also be included in the next Newsletter.

And one last recent education initiative, Mark Brown and Francesco Gonella presented a course on ecological modeling at the Beijing Normal University, with the title, The International Course on Environmental Accounting and Management 2018: Summer Workshop on Ecological Modelling

-- Tom Abel


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