The Emergy Society Newsletter
Enrique Ortega, ISAER President in 2012 and 2013, inaugrated the Emergy Society Newsletter on July 25th 2012. He noted that this is the first of several special projects from the emergy group in Brazil. The intent of the newsletter was to highlight one or more emergy research groups or individual emergy scientists every month. Individual or groups can send there reports to The format for each submission is as follows:
- Short history of the group and its motivations
- Main projects and researchers involved
- Recent papers
- Main results obtained in research
- Information about the group's activities, such as scientific meetings, interesting social and ecological areas, innovative business interactions, scholarships, work opportunities, open projects, research needs
- Ideas for ISAER improvement and interactions
Below is a synopsis of the first newsletter. You can download the whole newsletter on by clicking on this link: Emergy Society Newsletter
The Ecological Engineering and Applied Computing Laboratory
at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Web page:
Short history: This laboratory was created by Enrique Ortega in 1985 to develop studies on the interface of Food Production with Ecology, Economics and Computing. It aimed to establish a research program based on Howard T. Odum´s scientific proposals. It developed a post-graduate research program, partnerships with ecological farms, social movements and teaching and research institutions in Brazil and other countries.
Main objective: Analyze the relationships of agriculture and agro-industry with
their environment using general systems theory, modeling and simulation, computer programs, and energy and mass balances to make diagnoses and propose alternatives to improve the environmental and social impact of food production and discuss public policy for sustainable development and “degrowth”.
Ecosystem Engineering Design Lab at the University of Maryland
Web page:
This laboratory was created by David Tilley. It has been busy the last few years
developing new talent and knowledge on the theoretical basis and methodological
practicalities of emergy synthesis.
Activities for 2017
Mark Brown’s 2017 Activities
- Taught a short course on "Ecosystem Services and Ecological Compensation” at Shenyang Agricultural University in October, 2017
- Lecture at University of North Carolina- Wilmington titled "The Value of Nature: Integrating Biophysical & Economic Values”…March 2017
- Lecture at Tufts University in Boston Mass. May, 2017, titled “Ecological engineering and Emergy Analysis”
- Recorded a MOOC titled “Emergy and Environmental Accounting” at Beijing Normal University July 2017. The course will be available in early 2018
- Attended and lectured at the Doctoral Forum in Changchun, China on Wetlands gave a lecture titled “ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING: Interface Ecosystems and Adaptive Self-Organization” in August, 2017
- Gave a lecture at Chinese Academy of Engineering International Summit Forum & the 20th Anniversary of PACE Association : Innovative Technology of Watershed Ecological Engineering and Environmental Management titled "Adaptive Ecological Restoration & Ecosystem Services” August, 2017
- Attended the Biennial Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies in Naples Italy, September, 2017. gave lecture titled “Beyond Economics: Economics as if the planet mattered"
Cecelia Almeida's 2017 Activities
- Co Chair of Thematic, Design-oriented Working Groups on Energy Futures (Energy and cleaner production: Innovative designs and technologies) at the Biennial Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies in Naples Italy, September, 2017
- Short course: " Writing Quality Scientific Manuscripts and the Editorial Process” at School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an China in September 2017
- Lecture : - "How to write a Review Article” at Northwestern Polytechnical University, September 2017
- Workshop: Writing and Publishing Scientific Reviews at the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University
- Lecture at the Chinese Academy of Science Geography Center : Cleaner Production and Environmental Assessment” August, 2017
- Roundtables on manuscript writing: Tianjin University, Nankai University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Tsinghua Environment School, CAS Eco-Environment Center, and Northwestern Polytechnical University
- Co-organizer of the 6th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production, Paulista University, May 2017
Pier Paolo Franseze’s 2017 activities
- Taught a course of 48 hours frontal lectures at Parthenope University of Naples (Italy) entitled “Environmental Accounting and Assessment” in the framework of the Master Programme “Project manager of the public administration". Audience composed by 100 officers of Italian municipalities.
- Taught a course of 48 hours frontal lectures at Parthenope University of Naples (Italy) entitled “Emergy and energy Accounting” in the framework of the Master Programme “Biology of aquatic productions and environments”.
- P.I. for Central-South Italy of the triennial research programme of the Italian Ministry of Environment for the implementation of an environmental accounting system for all the 27 Italian marine protected areas.
- Coordinator of the Italian-National Working Group on “Natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting” of the Italian Society of Marine Biology (SIBM).
- Chair of the round table on “Natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting” at the 27° Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology (SITE).
- Chair of the Session “Matter and energy flows in the biosphere and human economy” at the X Biennial Workshop Advances in Energy Studies.
- Subject Editor of the Elsevier journal Ecological Modelling for the subject “Environmental Accounting Models”.
- Special issue of Ecological Modelling entitled “Nature Conservation Strategies and Environmental Accounting Models”.
Dan Campbell Activities for 2017
- Continued research work on emergy evaluation of urban systems focusing on the Chicago metropolitan area for the USEPA with a meeting held in Cincinnati, Ohio April 20, 2017.
- I gave a talk entitled, “Change and transition in urban systems: the story of Chicago told with Energy systems language models”at the International Society for Ecological Modeling Global Conference 2017 held in Jeju, City Republic of Korea, September 17-21, 2017. Co-authors were H.A. Walker, S.B. Balogh, L.E. Erban, R. Boumans, and T. R. Gleason, all of the USEPA, NHEERL, AED laboratory in Narragansett, RI.
- Under the auspices of ISAER, Daeseok Kang, DanCampbell, and Tom Abel organized a symposium for the International Society for Ecological Modeling Global conference 2017 in Jeju, city Republic of Korea, entitled “Energy systems Theory and emergy evalaution applied to analyze and understand changes in ecological systems.”
- I gave a talk at the Coastal Estuarine Research Federation 2017 conference held in Providence , RI, November 5-9, 2017 entitled “ The real wealth in a fish dinner”. This work was done with Cathleen Wigand of the USEPA, NHEERL, AED in Narragansett, RI 02882.
- I was a co-author on several papers with Dr. Hongang Lu and Dr. Fernando Berrios as the lead authors. These will be listed later.