
Emergy Synthesis 10

Emergy Synthesis 10

The 10th Biennial Emergy Research Conference, Emergy Synthesis 10, was held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, January 25-27, 2018

Another exciting and well-attended emergy conference was held in Gainesville.  There were 48 individual talks and 23 poster presentations.  The Reitz Union was beautifully remodeled this year and sessions were held in the spacious 'Chamber' and in 'Room G310'.  The conference was preceded by two pre-conference workshops, the PWD Workshop, and the SCALEM Workshop, and it was followed by the 11th Annual Meeting of the ISAER (Emergy Society).


The Reitz Union

Day 1

Coffee Break

Taiwan Attendees



Break Time

Day 2



Poster Session

Dinner at Ustler Hall

Day 3


Dinner at Mark and Carol's

Emergy Synthesis 2018

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