Emergy Synthesis 2016Emergy Synthesis 3See you later, alligator.Poster SessionAward WinnersMark's House and GuestsPartyEmergy Synthesis 2018
Indeed, it was another fun, exciting, and intellectually stimulating conference!
Organizing Committee
Mark Brown ~ University of Florida, USA
Amalia Zucaro ~ Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
Biagio Fernando Giannetti ~ Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Cecilia M. Villas Boas de Almeida ~ Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Dan Campbell ~ International Society for Advancement of Emergy Research
David Tilley ~ University of Maryland, USA
Francesco Gonella ~ Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy
Gengyuan Liu ~ Beijing Normal University, China
Hongfang Lu ~ South China Botanical Garden, China
Sergio Ulgiati ~ Parthenope University, Italy
Simone Bastianoni ~ University of Siena, Italy
Tian Xu ~ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
William Braham ~ University of Pennsylvania
Xin (Cissy) Ma ~ United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA
"I would say the conference was a huge success"
Gainesville, January 17th, 2023
Greetings Everone,
What a great conference! Thank you for your hard work, patience, and attendance.
We had 71 registered participants — a total of 33 virtual and 21 in-person presentations.
Considering the time constraints and the use of somewhat novel technologies, we had only minor technological issues, and overall, things went very smoothly.
The high quality of the presentations and the interaction during the question and answer periods were extremely valuable.
During the business meeting on Saturday, we discussed several important directions for the Emergy Society. Primary of these was the agreement to follow up with the group from Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Benedetto Rugani, Antonino Marvuglia, Tomás Navarrete Gutierrez, and Enrico Benetto) in seeking International Standardization of emergy accounting through the ISO Standardization framework. Benedetto presented a paper on the subject to the conference Friday morning. Other topics discussed were a continuation of the Emergy mini-conferences in the coming year and planning for summer workshops/ short courses.
We will notify everyone about these and other Society initiatives as the year progresses.
In all, I would say the conference was a huge success.
Thanks, everyone, for your continued support of Emergy in general and the Emergy Society in particular.