Emergy Synthesis 9

Emergy Synthesis 9


The 9th  Biennial Emergy Research Conference (Emergy Synthesis 9), held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, January 6-9, 2016.

Seventy-five people from around the world, presented 49 papers and 30 posters representing the latest advances in the field of Emergy research.

The conference booklet of abstracts and papers can be accessed here: Final Program with Abstracts


LCA Pre-Conference Workshop

Organized by Wes Ingwersen and Cissy Ma of the USEPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohio.

LCA Workshop


Conference Day 1

Day 2

Poster Session

Day 3

9th Annual Meeting of the Emergy Society (ISAER)

View the Emergy Society 2015 Annual Report

View the Meeting Documents of the 9th Annual Meeting of ISAER



Farewell Party

Host and Chef!

See you later, alligator.



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