
ISEM Global Conference 2016

Towson University, Baltimore, MD:  May 8-12, 2016

Towson University


The International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) Global Conference was held May 8-12, 2016, at Towson University, Baltimore.   The topics of this conference were wide ranging, representing all aspects of ecological modeling commonly published in the Ecological Modelling journal.  Many of the plenary talks focused on how ecological modeling can interface with other disciplines or expand how the research can be communicated to decision makers more clearly and in a more useful way.


Brian Fath provided a touching tribute to Sven Jorgensen, who was scheduled to give a plenary but passed away shortly before the conference.

A symposium entitled "Environmental Accounting Using Emergy Modeling" was organized by Mark Brown and held on the third day of the conference. A highlight of the symposia was a presentation by Patrick Kangas on the electric circuit models H.T. Odum used to represent ecological systems, some of which Dr. Kangas has in his possession and uses for instructional purposes at U. of Maryland.

Overall I would say that it was a successful conference and the emergy community was well represented.

Elliott Campbell



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