PWD Pre-Conference Workshop 2018
A Prosperous Way Down (PWD) pre-conference workshop was held in the afternoon of January 24, prior to the Emergy Synthesis 10 Biennial Conference at the University of Florida. The following notes were assembled by those in attendance.
Some principles to live by:
Speak the truth to power, the whole truth, no matter how much your voice shakes.
Detour around corporate or government funding that creates muzzled voices.
Build anew, smaller, more locally, amid the ruins of late-stage capitalism.
Resetting priorities
Per Mary Odum, remember that Odum’s primary objective in developing Emergy was to substantiate the science for studying a prosperous way down
That was where it started
The Emergy Society should return to big picture thinking and a focus on PWD
Translate Emergy into English, even at conferences like this.
Practical Steps
There are a number of proposals below. In general, many would require organizing, leadership, and funding. We should propose, therefore, that there is a standing call for leaders to step forward on any of these, and for proposal/grant writing to commence.
Teaching, Education
Teach PWD in primary schools
Teachers need class materials on PWD - Some of these would require grant writing for funds
Produce written materials for teachers to download for their classes
Make our own short videos (7 minutes) that teachers can incorporate into their lectures, in the style of ‘Crash Course’, etc.
There are many sources for videos these days, the most entertaining is maybe Crash Course, some sites are for younger kids, and I think we should all explore Complexity Labs for its many videos of systems and complexity
Crash course -
Teacher’s pet -
KLU science -
Complexity Labs -
"Films for Action" Videos
Other Youtube videos already available on PWD topics
Produce live webinars
Take field trips into nature
Portray the cultural positives of change in descent and a low energy world
Consider using different, more understandable terms (for example, re-co-opt "embodied energy" for the term Emergy, especially when speaking to non-scientists)
And a winning idea, via Peter May, an online course
Create an online course for PWD
Dr. Brown already has a lecture series on Emergy
Tom Abel has some ppts that were made from the PWD book (They will be linked to this website)
But Peter is recommending a ‘full’ online course, probably taught from a university, perhaps that would include guest ‘lectures’ from many of us
Mexico De-Growth Conference in June
Enrique Ortega (and Mariana Oliveira?) is going
Experimental communities, permaculture, Transition towns, De-growth, Buen Vivir, Via Campesina, etc.
Shareholder activism
I.e., lawsuit feedback
This sounds like an emergent behavior for stopping bad ecological behavior, bad economic projects, etc
We should expect that adjustments like this should naturally emerge in the social arena for resisting runaway consumption, i.e., for aiding maximum power (the maximization of useful power transformations)
PWD website ‘group’
Create a ‘group’ in our website to continue discussion
This is being pursued, Elliott has made a first attempt to create a group, but had some problems
He will try again
Write the next chapter of PWD
Or a new textbook
This is a very sincere request from Betty Odum
A Prosperous Way Down (2001) University of Colorado Press needs to be updated
She wants someone to pick up the ball, to carry on their writing
Tom Abel presentations
Tom made two short Ppt presentations near the end
“Did Julian Simon Get It Right?”
This was basically one slide, showing the US oil peak of 1970s, and the current oil production (with fracking) that is nearing that 1970s peak
This was intended to annoy the PWD community and spur discussion
But it was also intended to make us pause and think about peak oil and the fact that there is an economic system out there that will be trying to ‘adapt’ to peaking oil through innovation, etc
“Is PWD a Revitalization Movement?”
Or call it an example of a millennialist movement?
Other examples were given, and the typical features of a revitalization movement were listed:
The point was to urge PWD people to strategize about how we present our case
We do not want to be lumped into categories with the bad examples
We need to put a check on our ‘certainty’ about the future, science is rarely certain
Tom had two other Ppts that he did not show:
"Natural and Cultural Energy Hierarchy"
Also, Hanne had a Ppt that Tom apologizes(!) for failing to work into the session
I would like to link Hanne’s, if she feels it is appropriate. Yes, please, Hanne, says Mary.
Final Comments
Thanks to Sue Lee for photographs and origami. I will be using the photos on the PWD page, where I will post these notes when we are through editing them. And Mary says, thanks, Eric Lee for the link to this wonderful article on renewable energy and PWD:
Last, Betty Odum had some comments:
In the list of attendees’ emails are useful.
I have course outlines and contents for my community college courses: Energy and Ecology. I also have the online versions of the courses.
Let’s have a working gathering of those who want to create and spread courses. We can start by each presenting ideas, with links to already written material.
To whom shall we send it?
In Attendance:
Tom Abel |
Francesco Gonella | Torbjorn Rydberg |
Hanne Ostergard | Mary Odum |
Robert McDougall |
Andreas Kamp | Eric and Sue Lee |
Hongfang Lu |
Elliott Campbell | Peter May | Federico Pulselli |
Matteo Maccanti | Mariana Oliveira | Betty Odum |