First SCALEM Users' Workshop
The first SCALEM Users' Workshop was held in Gainesville prior to the 10th Biennial Emergy Research Conference. The SCALEM pre-conference workshop was held on January 24, 2018
Antonino Marvuglia and Tomas Navarrete, of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), were the organizers of the workshop.
The Software for CAlculating EMergy based on life cycle inventories (SCALEM®) has been recently developed by LIST and other research partners (INSA Toulouse and the University of Le Havre, both from France) to compute eMergy flows by using life cycle inventory (LCI) product system models, which are made of a collection of thousands of interconnected unit processes containing average technology data. See this LIST announcement for more information. The workshop was well received and there is great interest in this new technology within the emergy community and beyond.
- SCALEM Attendees