The Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Howard Thomas Odum & Youth Academic Workshop Successfully Opening in Beijing on 7 July 2024


The Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Howard Thomas Odum & Youth Academic Workshop Successfully Opening in Beijing on 7 July 2024

By Gengyuan Liu

On July 7, 2024, the grand “Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Howard Thomas Odum & Youth Academic Workshop” took place on the campus of Beijing Normal University. Hosted by the School of Environment at Beijing Normal University and the International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research, the event brought together over 100 scholars from the USA, Brazil, Italy, Pakistan, and prominent Chinese institutions including Beijing Normal University, Peking University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and China University of Geosciences. Additionally, nearly 20,000 scientific and technological professionals participated online. The celebration aimed to honor Odum’s remarkable life and work while fostering interdisciplinary discussions inspired by his groundbreaking research.

Howard Thomas Odum (1924-2002) was a distinguished American ecologist, systems thinker, and pioneer in the field of systems ecology. His research focused on understanding complex ecological processes through innovative interdisciplinary approaches. He was renowned for his work on energy flow analysis, ecosystem modelling, and environmental policy.

At the outset of the event, Professor Gengyuan Liu from Beijing Normal University, serving as the chair, presented a heartfelt video he had created. This video served as an eloquent introduction to Professor H.T. Odum’s profound connection with China. Within its frames, we found a treasure trove of memories—a tribute to Prof. Odum, whose brilliance has illuminated our comprehension of the natural world. His enduring influence and the indelible mark he left on ecological research were beautifully captured in this anthology of recollections.

After that, five renowned scholars delivered keynote speeches:

  • Prof. Mark T. Brown: “Energy Quality, Emergy, and Transformity: H.T. Odum’s Contributions”

Professor Mark T. Brown, Director of the Center for Environmental Policy Studies at the University of Florida, delivered an enthralling keynote speech. Titled “Energy quality, emergy, and transformity: H.T. Odum’s contributions to quantifying and understanding systems,” this presentation took us on a captivating journey through Odum’s academic legacy. Brown focused on Odum’s groundbreaking research, particularly in energy quality, net energy, and emergy transformity rates. These concepts have not only advanced ecological science but have also left an indelible mark on our ability to unravel the complexities of ecosystems.

  • Prof. Shupei Huang: “Climate Change Risks and Their Impacts”

From China University of Geosciences, Professor Shupei Huang addressed the urgency of climate change risks. Her keynote speech, titled “Climate Change Risks and their Economic and Social Impacts,” emphasized the need for proactive measures. Huang proposed strategies to cope with these risks and advocated for comprehensive models and early warning systems. These tools are essential for accurately predicting and responding to the multifaceted dangers posed by climate change, which reverberate across economic stability and social well-being.

  • Prof. Xiaohong Zhang: “Chinese Ecological Civilization Construction and Obstacles”

Professor Xiaohong Zhang, from the College of Environmental Sciences at Sichuan Agricultural University, shared insights in a speech titled “Progress of Chinese ecological civilization construction (ECC) and obstacles during 2003-2020: implications from one set of emergy-based indicator system.” Zhang’s report constructed an emergy-based evaluation system for ecological civilization, delving into the intricate relationships between humans and nature, as well as among social members. Additionally, Zhang highlighted the main obstacles that China’s ecological civilization construction will face in the future, along with corresponding policy recommendations.

  • Prof. Xu Tian: “Small Is Beautiful: Insights from Emergy Theory”

Professor Xu Tian, representing Shanghai Jiao Tong University, infused humor and light-heartedness into her keynote speech titled “Small is beautiful.” She shared her deep connection with emergy theory—a profound theoretical system that transcends mere methodology. Tian emphasized that emergy theory provides a unique perspective for understanding life and inspiring creativity. Its relevance extends beyond ecological systems; it guides sustainable development practices by illuminating the interplay between nature and human society.

  • Prof. Xi Ji: “Unveiling Economic Processes: Ecological Economics’ Historical Logic”

Professor Xi Ji, from the School of Economics at Peking University, delivered a thought-provoking keynote titled “Opening the Black Box of Economic Processes: The Historical Logic and Unique Spiritual Mission of Ecological Economics.” In her eloquent speech, Ji explored the transformation within the field of economics. She underscored the importance of understanding a discipline’s internal logic, situating it within the broader scientific timeline, and recognizing its interconnectedness with other disciplines. A fascinating perspective indeed!

After the enlightening keynote speeches, the conference transitioned into a dynamic roundtable forum. Esteemed experts, each drawing from their rich experiences, engaged in spirited discussions. Among the participants were:

Prof. Francesco Gonella from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Prof. Mark T. Gonella from the University of Florida

Prof. Lixiao Zhang from Beijing Normal University

Prof. Maochao Yan and Prof. Xiaobin Dong from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Sergio Ulgiati from The University of Naples “Parthenope”

These luminaries shared their unique perspectives, weaving together threads of knowledge and insight. Their collective wisdom resonated, enriching the discourse on ecological science and sustainability.

As the workshop drew to a close, Prof. Francesco Gonella stepped forward to deliver the closing remarks. With genuine gratitude, he acknowledged the contributions of all participants. Prof. Gonella praised the pioneering work of H.T. Odum, whose illuminating path has guided our scientific inquiries. He urged us to carry forward Odum’s concepts and methodologies, ensuring their continued relevance and enhancement. Prof. Gonella’s call to action resonated—a torch passed from one generation of scholars to the next.

This workshop transcended mere commemoration; it delved deep into Odum’s academic legacy. In our rapidly evolving world—where social and ecological contexts intersect—we find ourselves at a critical juncture. Exploration and progress remain our compass, as we navigate toward a sustainable future.

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