Report of the Website Committee (7/23/18)
Just prior to the emergy conference, I made quite a few changes around the website. Major changes were to the organization and some of content. Since then I have added pages for some conference, publications, and the newsletter archive.
The About tab was reorganized
The Communications tab was reorganized and now includes a tab for the ISAER Newsletter Archive
The Resources tab was expanded and reorganized. A tab of Emergy Basics was created, with links to the four existing summary pages. A tab for Emergy Foundations was added, which contains links to seminal foundational articles and books on emergy. The tab for Education Resources was converted from a single page to a page with links to many pages, e.g. a page for Mark Brown’s lectures. This page is open to add links for any emergy researcher, as outlined in my email (in limbo).
Last, an Activities tab was created with sub-tabs for Committees, Biennial Conferences, and ISAER Annual Meetings.
The Committees tab includes separate pages for these committees: Conferences, Education, PWD, Publications, Awards, Standards, and Website. Technically, several of these can be grouped under the larger heading of Communications Committee, though currently I do not believe there is a ‘chair’ or members of that committee. The Communications Committee encompasses Education, PWD, Publications, and the Website Committees, and maybe the International Conferences Organizing Committee.
- The Conferences Committee tab (for the International Conferences Organizing Committee) includes links to proposed and past conferences, many of those pages I created
- The Education Committee tab has links to courses and workshops
- The PWD Committee tab has PWD news
- The Publications Committee tab includes links to upcoming and past special issues, etc.
- The Awards Committee tab includes recent award winners – needs updating
- The Standards Committee tab is under construction
- The Website Committee tab is under construction
For each of these Committee tabs I tried to follow a similar structure. It includes a description, names and photos of members, a Resources page of links, a page of links for Reports to the Society (which, for example, should include this report under the Webpage Committee), and a Charter. Charters were requested by Wes, and have been collected and posted for some of the committees so far.
The Biennial Conferences tab includes a page of photos from each conference. These pages could be improved with any new photos.
The ISAER Annual Meetings page includes minutes and other documents for each of the society meetings. I see that I need to add a page for the 11th meeting. I need to collect those documents from Dan, Elliott, or Hongfang.
Tom Abel